Making changes...

I can't believe that I have 13 followers! How cool is that - I'll be working hard on my blog for the next few months and learning a bit more about blogger. Keep coming back, I will have new posts every week - I promise!
And now, I am following my followers too, so I'll be reading all about you.

Don't you just love Baby Led Solids!!!! It's so fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great news :) I stumbled across your blog while I was trying to get decent information to start my daughter on solids. She is having a ball mashing food and eating it and I love how lazy I can be lol. After 3 babies, pureƩ's and heinz baby food lose their appeal. She had enchiladas with us last night, no extra cooking involved. I can't wait to see more of your journey.
