Still not THAT interested in solids... quick update

Everyone thinks I have been neglecting this blog, right? I haven't.

Let's just say that Violet is taking her sweet ole time eating foods. She likes to sit in her chair with us during meal times, she pushes the food around her tray and then she proceeds to throw it all on the floor.  Not much makes it into her mouth.

She is 9.5 months and has just started to crawl. This is later then my first 2, so maybe the enjoyment of food will come later then the 2 others as well. Who knows. She is still nursing loads and getting her energy and calories from breastmilk, so I am not too worried about her starving. 

This is what her usual meal offerings are during the day. When we wake up, our mornings are pretty crazy, and since Violet has nursed a lot during the night (that's another blog post :-) I don't worry about her being hungry as soon as she wakes up for the day. 

10:00 - usually offer a cheese string & crackers
12:00 - depending on what Johnny and I have for lunch, I will offer her some of the same. Noodles, bits of a grilled cheese, vegetables, apple sauce
3:00 - snack, maybe yogurt, cracker
6:00 - anything we are having for supper. Chicken, salmon, eggs, pasta, vegetables

Violet nurses loads during the day as well, and has started drinking water, so we're going to keep status quo for now and see if she starts taking in more when she hits 10 months.

I'll be back soon. Tomorrow is going to be a great day, Lily has a school trip to the Toronto Zoo and I am going with her. Violet will also be coming of course, Johnny is going to daycare.

I feel like chicken tonight!

March 5th, Violet hasn't eaten much. We have offered broccoli, toast, yogurt a few times and she really isn't that interested. Our supper tonight was smothered chicken with roasted tomatoes - it was oven baked and quite tender. Violet was offered a piece and right away put it in her mouth and started sucking on it. She managed to chew a piece off and eat it.

You'll also notice that she is in a sleeper. Still. For over 6 months now, I hate putting clothes on my babies and I wish I could still put my 4 year old in a sleeper every day!

Violet is now 6 months!

After counting down the days and nights for the bigger kids, it was time for Violet to eat! Well, have food put in front of her anyways. We started with broccoli and after staring at it and pushing it around her tray for a few minutes, she finally got a hold of a stem. 

She seemed to lick it and pass it near her mouth a few times.... I took a tiny piece and put it in her mouth and she stirred it around, we'll see what comes out if she did take any in! After quite a few more minutes of just pushing the stems around her tray, she did manage to put some in her mouth. To be honest, I don't think that she really enjoyed it. She will one day for sure, because Lily and Johnny love broccoli and we eat it often!

For supper tonight, since it was a lazy day and because it was Friday, we decided to have pizza for supper. Violet got her own pizza crust and she gnawed on it a bit. She seemed to enjoy this, who wouldn't though I guess!

We also offered her mushrooms which I think were too hard to grab with her pincer grip hands and some sweet potato fries that I had made in the oven with a bit of salt and olive oil.  

After supper, since the big kids were having some desert, I offered Violet a bit of organic vanilla yogurt and she had about 10 little spoonfuls, she was liking it, it's very sweet, of course she did!